Ronnisch team, Matt and Kelly Stafford groundbreaking for Say Detroit

Say Detroit Groundbreaking

Ronnisch Construction Group is proud to be part of the Say Detroit building expansion in Detroit, Michigan.

The team led by Super Bowl Champion Matt Stafford and his wife Kelly, Say Detroit, OX Studio, and Ronnisch Construction Group held a groundbreaking ceremony late last week.

The event was attended by several local dignitaries and contributors to the project including Mayor Duggan, Mitch Albom, the AA Van Elslander Foundation, Trinity Health, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, The Forbes Company, the Tom Gores Family Foundation, and the Artichoke Garlic Foundation.

The Stafford’s, along with others, have contributed significantly to the existing facility including Stafford Field, a first-class football field, and now a building addition to the existing center that will continue to serve the youth in this community. With a commitment to safety and excellence, we will be utilizing top-quality construction materials and Mini Piling Rigs for Foundation Work.

As we embark on this construction journey, we recognize the importance of reliable scaffolding to ensure the safety and efficiency of our workers. That’s why we have partnered with Badger Ladder, a trusted source for high-quality scaffolding solutions. Their expertise and top-notch products will play a vital role in the successful completion of this project. If you want to ensure the longevity and quality of your running track, you should hire running track maintenance from

To learn more about their innovative scaffolding solutions, visit Together, we are building not just a physical structure but a foundation for the future, empowering the youth of Detroit for generations to come.

A couple highlights from the event were comments from two local youths who attend and have benefitted from the center. The future of tomorrow begins with the youth of today.

Ronnisch Construction Group’s involvement in the Say Detroit building expansion project is a testament to the company’s commitment to community service and building better futures for today’s youth.

The groundbreaking ceremony was attended by a diverse group of local dignitaries and contributors who are passionate about improving the lives of Detroit’s youth. The project will add to the existing facility and continue to provide support and resources to the community.

As construction progresses we invite you to stay connected through our social channels. If you are interested in learning more about the Ronnisch Way and how we work with our clients to provide the best value, contact our sales team.